Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Sana Counselling offers eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy (EMDR) in our Vancouver office or through online counselling. EMDR trauma therapy requires less talking and more processing. Processing is done by eye movements or tapping that engages both sides of the brain while approaching trauma or speaking about past experiences. Ultimately, EMDR allows you to integrate healthy perceptions, attitudes and beliefs into your everyday life by identifying and minimizing beliefs that are not serving you.

EMDR can be a triggering process. This is why we only recommend this to individuals who are looking to work through traumatic experiences after grounding resources have been provided by the counsellor to ensure your safety and ability to stay present.

The average number of sessions varies but 8 sessions are usually adequate.

Processing will continue after each session, as you will have heightened awareness. Vivid dreams are common after an EMDR session and some clients also notice other side effects, such as light-headedness.


Stages of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing:

  1. History and treatment planning

  2. Preparation: Counsellor will help you establish safety and coping mechanisms for affect management and grounding purposes.

  3. Assessment: The client and counsellor will target memories that are associated with negative beliefs and target each memory one at a time during treatment.

  4. Treatment: Treatment will begin by asking you to focus on an uncomfortable memory or image that you highlighted during your assessment.

  5. Bilateral stimulation, eye movement or tapping, is then used to engage both sides of your brain. This helps you to process the memory.

  6. Next, the counsellor will check in to see what new information has surfaced and this will continue until completion.

  7. A healthier belief will be incorporated into your thought process using the same method and a grounding tool or resource will be offered in replacement to the original belief.

  8. Evaluation: You and your counsellor will evaluate your progress together and if closure is reached, complete the session or start a new target.

  9. The client is in control the entire time and has the ability to start and stop whenever they see fit.

EMDR is used and championed by some of the leading trauma specialists.
