Ease your emotional triggers and feel safe in your body once again 

Somatic therapy is a trauma-informed therapeutic modality that focuses on your physical body. Specifically, how your body stores your past experiences and communicates them to the world. Trauma is often stored and triggered in the physical body and a major part in healing that trauma, and improving emotional regulation, is learning to feel safe within your body.

Therapeutic modalities like Somatic Therapy and EMDR have been scientifically proven to heal trauma because they focus on the physical body. Your somatic therapist will work with you to expel trauma from the body while also offering you tools, both internally and externally, that are useful for navigating the trauma in your everyday experiences. These tools will improve your sense of self, your relationships, and your overall quality of life. 

Stages of Somatic Therapy

With a dual-modality approach, our Vancouver counsellors can address the interconnected web of trauma hidden within the body. By working with the psychological component of your goals and targeting the body to become more regulated, this treatment can help you cope and live in the present moment.


At the beginning of each session, whether online or in person, our counsellors will ensure you feel safe to ensure that your sessions are contained and effective.


Your somatic therapist will first talk with you about your goals for therapy and what you hope to work through with your somatic sessions. If you’re interested, your therapist will also offer psycho-education so you understand the methods and the “why” behind them to help you achieve your goals.

Body Awareness

Your somatic therapist will first work with you to help your body release stored trauma, focusing on your posture, movement, and nervous system activation.

Meaning Explorations

After bringing more awareness to your physical experience, together with your therapist, you’ll investigate the underlying causes of your trauma, anxiety, or relationship troubles and how to better manage the physical, emotional, and cognitive expressions of your experience.

Ongoing Care

After working through your initial concerns, you and your therapist will revisit your goals for therapy and determine the best course of action for ongoing therapeutic care.

“Thank you so very much for all of your support and guidance over the past few years. The sessions I have had with you have been truly life altering and I will forever be grateful to Sana for helping me trust my body again! I wouldn’t be where I am today without your help and I feel so lucky to have met you!”
— MV

Your mental health is inextricably linked to your overall physical health

Somatic therapy is different from other therapeutic methods because it focuses on what your body is communicating, as well as your words. Awareness and slowing down allows for your nervous system to have a new experience, which allows for healthy change. Attachment dynamics, adverse experiences, and trauma are mirrored in your body and tend to become patterned. Your patterned physical movements can say a lot about your past experiences. Taking the time to understand and work through the narratives that affect your body and nervous system  will allow you to shift an experience for the better, allowing for physical, mental,  and emotional progress and well-being.

How to start with Somatic Counselling at Sana

Here’s how you can begin your journey with Somatic Therapy at Sana in 3 simple steps:

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Step 1: Book your free consultation

This is a free 15-minute call with one of our counsellors to talk about your mental health concerns and see if Somatic Therapy is a good fit for you.

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Step 2: Match with your counsellor

Our team will match you with the Sana counsellor who has the best experience to support your goals. You can have your sessions in person at our Vancouver studio or online.

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Step 3: Your first session

Your first session is an opportunity for you and your therapist to get to know each other, see if you vibe, and ensure you have the necessary support systems in place before diving into counselling.

Move beyond traditional talk therapy and feel safe in your body once again

We want to support you on your trauma journey in any way we can. A call with one of our counsellors is a low-pressure way to see if this modality is right for you.