The Importance of Speaking Openly About Mental Health

Discussions regarding health in general is an interesting topic to unravel and explore more deeply. Some speak openly about their overall well-being whilst others keep their health status more private. There are many different views related to why people choose to share (or not) their experiences. Here are some reasons about how sharing your experiences with mental illness can help propel society in a more positive direction, and empower you, too!

Educating the Public

Oh, education! The importance of spreading information that allows others insight into a situation or “diagnosis” that is difficult to grasp without a basic understanding. I personally, am not a fan of many diagnoses related to mental illness or disorders. That’s a story for another day. However, in general, labels are often vaguely understood by the public, which can create some misunderstanding or misperceptions of people who struggle with their mental health.

Speaking to others about your experience allows them to gain insights into the experience of someone with anxiety, or depression, or PTSD, or whatever the case may be for you, or someone you’ve known well or grown up with. The public perception of many disorders is often portrayed in movies and highly dramatized. The idea of you explaining your experience to others makes the situation more human, and far less “scary”.

Reducing Stigma

Stigma perpetuates shame and often, secrecy. By speaking more openly about your experiences related to mental health, you help stigma become smaller and smaller. A great example of this is the greater discussion these days around anxiety! Not all, but more people are discussing their anxiety and how it’s influenced their lives. Speaking openly about your experience with anxiety or an anxious friend or family member (keeping their anonymity if they would want you to, of course), gives permission to others to speak about their experiences and feel like others will be receptive and listen! Honesty allows for less shame and genuine empowerment. Speaking about other mental illnesses/disorders other than anxiety, are equally as important and powerful!

Recognizing Support in Surprising Places/People

Often, the price of keeping mental issues quiet is that you might not realize how the person next to you or a couple seats over may be able to relate! It’s amazing how choosing the right people to be open with allows the floodgates of support to open! Many people can relate in one way or another to the experience, as literally no one’s family has a perfect mental health record. I mean, c’mon! Support is one of the most powerful things we can offer to one another as social creatures! The more support you can find, the better.

Helping Future Individuals Who Encounter Mental Health Issues

Speaking openly today, to trusted people or in an educational setting, about your experiences may help you feel a sense of relief, find support, allow for the stigma to be cracked open just a bit, and allow an easier road for individuals who will inevitably experience something similar in the future. We are on a great path to being more open about mental health and what it’s all about but we are not quite where we want to be… yet!

If you’re not ready to share your experiences with friends, family or in educational settings, speaking to a professional is a great place to start to find a sense of relief and empowerment. Sana Counselling offers humanistic therapy methods, if you would like to learn more, we invite you to book a free 15 minutes consultation.