I'm Overwhelmed by Covid-19

This is not an uncommon situation that almost all individuals have noticed over the past few months to some degree or another . However, if you are noticing that you are not able to manage because of stress, here are some tips to reduce your worry and increase your productivity:


Stay present


This can be very difficult, especially for individuals with anxiety (because anxiety is based in the future tense). Recognize where you are now, what you are doing and how you can embrace this moment without wondering about what might happen in 5 minutes, 5 hours or 5 days. Belly breathing is a great tool to come into the now and calm your nervous system. Feel your feet on the floor. Name a few things that you can see, touch, smell, taste and hear. Coming into your senses will offer you some respite from a busy mind.


Manage your media intake


If you are overwhelmed by the amount of information that’s being flooded onto the internet and the news, limit your time spent on electronic apps or websites that are not helping your anxiety or feelings of overwhelm. If you know that certain individuals are going to post about specific topics that are triggering your worry, snooze their feed.

If a specific friend who you are seeing in person overwhelms you with information, kindly set some boundaries so you can enjoy the visit.


Put yourself first


If you have made plans with some people who are in your small bubble and others are invited who you don’t know, you are not obliged to go with the flow.

Use your voice. Ask questions to maintain your own safety and the safety of the community.

If you’re uncomfortable with the situation, leave or choose not to go. Put any people pleasing tendencies aside and honour your feelings.


Let go of what you can’t control


The only person who you can truly have control over in this situation is yourself (and your children if you are a parent). Focus on the facts. Wear a mask in public, wash your hands, maintain physical distancing efforts and stay within your small bubble. If you have to go into work, make sure that your workplace is enforcing health standards.  Follow the guidelines so that you can achieve some peace of mind.


Practice self-care


Self-care is simply engaging in activities that fill you up and offer you joy or a sense of peace and relaxation. Make time for yourself every single day without excuses or apologies to others. Whether your self-care looks like a walk, hike outside, bike ride, bath, meditation, journaling, listening to music for 15 minutes with the intention of being present, it doesn’t matter. Find time. Honour yourself. Allow your nervous system to take a small rest and ultimately, help your mind to quieten (even if it’s just a little bit).


You are not alone at all. If you need help or resources, please feel free to reach out, Sana Counselling offers online cognitive behavioural therapy in Vancouver, book a free consultation with us today!