Can Psychedelic Treatment Help Heal Symptoms of Depression?

Today, psychedelic treatments are being used and tested on depression, PTSD, and anxiety and have even been said to help people with autism. 

Therapy sets you up for long-term success and gives you the tools required to handle any negative emotional situation you may have to face.

For some, therapy alone may not fully supplement their needs. There are various forms of medication that can support your mental wellness but there is a rising medicinal phenomenon: psychedelics. 

It has been said that ancient tribes have used psychedelics for years in different areas of study. But what exactly are psychedelics? And what do they do to support our mental health? 

Once studied openly as a way to treat mental illness, psychedelics soon became criminalized after the hippie era and heavy public use in the 1960s. Although they were pushed underground, psychologists have continued to study their effect on mental health. The topic of psychedelics has been resubmerged for psychologists interested in the effects on their patients.

What Are Psychedelics? 

Psychedelics are a class of hallucinatory drugs, both natural and synthesized, that trigger abnormal states of consciousness. They are believed to affect the neurotransmitter serotonin and the regions of the brain that deal with regulating arousal and managing stress. 

Psychedelic drugs cause changes in perception, mood and cognitive processes and can cause auditory and visual hallucinations and trigger feelings of relaxation and euphoria. 

These drugs are both found in nature, in mushrooms and plants and are also produced in laboratories as synthetic acids. 

How are Psychedelics Used? 

The use of psychedelics varies depending on what form you get them in:

  • Plant-based forms of psychedelics are usually ingested, or brewed and consumed like tea. 

  • LSD and different types of chemical-based psychedelics are usually smoked, or swallowed. 

  • Peyote, a potent psychedelic cactus is often ground up and smoked with tobacco or cannabis. 

Most commonly studied in Canada today is the use of psilocybin, also known as magic mushrooms, and is a naturally occurring substance found in mushrooms all over the world. 

Generally, individuals who use psychedelics do not use them on a regular basis, but on occasion, weeks and months apart. 

Of course, dosing is difficult because it will depend on a variety of many factors and the drug is not regulated. Your height, weight, age, time of day and drug strength are all factors in how they are received. 

What Are the Therapeutic Effects? 

Psychedelic drugs are known to have a calming effect on the body, giving their patients a relaxing and euphoric sensation, when received well. Patients have reported an increased sense of awareness that is derived from a sense of deep spiritual clarity. 

People report the ability to see their own lives more clearly. This has helped individuals uncover the cause or root of their emotions, without any negative attachment to the circumstances. It is said to help individuals let go of their past, empathize with themselves, and move forward more peacefully in the present. 

People have also experienced extreme joy and an increased sense of creativity. Individuals may laugh a lot or experience a sense of extreme joy and creativity. This has also been said to be very helpful to those dealing with terminal illnesses. 

Current Experienced Negative Effects 

As with every drug, when not handled correctly, there are negative risks and side effects. No drug is ever 100% safe to take and because this drug is not regulated, dosing is never accurate or controlled. 

This leads to an unpredictable trip, often also affected by the individual's mood, circumstances, surroundings and personality. 

Bad trips can occur when an individual takes a large amount or experiences a strong batch of psychedelics that lead to panic, fear, and frightening hallucinations. Depending on the type of drug, the effects of this can last as long as the drug is in your system. Anywhere from 4-12 hours. 

Because of its intensity, individuals are also said to experience “flashbacks”. These are intense moments of reliving the experience or trip years later. This can also cause alternative mood disorders, paranoia, or visual hallucinations. 

Some side effects of psychedelic drugs include: 

  • Auditory and visual hallucinations that are not real

  • Rapid emotional shifts 

  • Increased blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature

  • Loss of appetite, dry mouth, and sweating

  • Numbness, weakness, and tremors 

  • nervousness, paranoia and panic 

  • Brain fog and trouble with concentration 

  • Blurred vision and dizziness 

  • Sweating and chills 

  • Vomiting 

If you decide this route is best for you, we encourage you to do your research and consult a doctor or reach out to a facility to monitor you while consuming psychedelics for mental health to ensure your safety. It’s important to surround yourself with professionals who know how much and what to give you. 

Are They Addictive? 

There are no current studies that show that chronic users of hallucinogens have any signs of addiction or experience any physical withdrawal symptoms when they stop using. This is unlike users who are dependent on other drugs or alcohol.  However, it is common that users to develop a tolerance to these drugs, which means increased doses are necessary with long term use. 

Final Thoughts 

Drug therapy alone is not always an isolated solution when dealing with mental illness. Patients often experience better and more long-lasting results when drug therapy is combined with a counselling process. Sana offers anxiety therapy in Vancouver. This helps get to the root of your experiences and provides you with practical tools that work in combination with lifestyle changes allowing you to create a better life for yourself. Counselling alongside implementing drug therapy also helps for the integration of the experience.

In Canada, there are laws that permit the use and sale of any psychedelic class drugs for mental health purposes, however, clinical trials provide a safe space for interested individuals to receive treatment. 

However, if you feel like you would like to explore counselling before jumping into the use of psychedelics, contact us today and we’d be happy to set up an appointment to discuss the options that work best for you.