New Year, New Practices?

It’s almost 2020! New year, new beginnings. Many of us think that way. It’s as though January 1st is like a restart button that we all press in hopes that the next 365 days will be healthier and happier. What we think about, we bring about. Here are some great ideas that help us to live a little better on a daily basis.

Give Yourself Credit and Time

It’s easy to go about our days getting jobs done and moving from one thing to the next. What do you like to do that helps you to unwind and relax? Find time in your day to practice self-care. Whether it’s a walk, writing, playing an instrument, taking a bath, or getting to that yoga class. We can’t pour from an empty glass. Taking some “me” time is essential and allows for reflection, awareness, and gratitude.

Notice Your Perspective

Becoming aware of the ways that we think is so important in understanding how we see the world. Notice your thought processes. Are they helping you to get out there or are they hindering you from giving something or someone a chance? Attitude plays a critical role in our behaviour and our ability to enjoy our experiences.

Make Time for Friends

Our friends are our chosen family. Having a night out or a coffee date regularly with our friends is huge! Maintaining close connections to others is something that allows us to feel full and to keep learning. Find your people and make time for them.

Get Outside

Going outside contributes greatly to happiness. When we get out of our usual environments we can gain perspective and feel differently.  A nice walk through the trees offers time to reflect.  A hike up a mountain offers up a challenge that we can feel proud to complete. Seeing what mother nature has to offer can be exciting, and an emotional experience too! Science has indicated that walking through forests is a natural way to destress due to the neurochemicals released. Adventures outside can also act as a connection point with others. There are no limits to the power of the great outdoors.

Move that Body

Find something you enjoy that’s active and give it a try. Walk, run, lift weights, stretch, sweat. There is something for everyone and a community that comes with each. Exercising is so important for our mental and physical well-being. Pick a couple of things and make an effort to stick with them.


Taking time out of our day to check-in with our bodies and minds is really important. This can be done by taking a few deep breaths at least once a day. For those of you who love quiet time and have more of it, meditation is a great way to get grounded and work on being present and aware.

Pay It Forward  

Lending a hand to others who need a boost gives back to our society and helps our hearts feel more fulfilled. Finding time to reach out and spend time with those who are in a less fortunate position financially, emotionally or mentally makes a world of a difference to all of us, not just the individual who is directly influenced by your support.    

While each of us has the capacity to achieve these small adjustments to our daily lives, some might choose not to in which case, John Burroughs says, “One resolution I have made, and try to always keep – to rise above the little things”.

Happy 2020 to all!