mental health

How Social Media Affects the Mental Health of Your Teen and How To Support Them

How Social Media Affects the Mental Health of Your Teen and How To Support Them

Social media has become an integral part of our everyday lives, however, it hasn’t always been for the best. Social media at its best can be used to check in on friends and family, follow our favourite brands, promote our business, and foster real connections online. It is only when we lose sight of real-life connections that social media use can affect our mental health.

What is the Mind-Body Connection and How Does it Affect Your Mental Health?

What is the Mind-Body Connection and How Does it Affect Your Mental Health?

There are endless amounts of examples that show how stress has an effect on the physical body. In its simplest form hair loss, weight gain, and acne can all be inconvenient reactions to stress and depression. However, because of the mind-body connection our emotions have a powerful ability to affect our physical state. They can cause more serious damage to our bodies, proven to manifest as more serious illnesses such as auto-immune function, and cardiovascular health.

How to Choose the Right Counsellor for You

How to Choose the Right Counsellor for You

There are a handful of reasons why an individual may consider therapy. Whether that is to improve communication skills, deal with anxiety, overcome grief or understand and arm yourself with the tools to deal with PTSD, therapy is the right route for people that have a problem they would like help solving.

How Gender Can Affect Counselling

How Gender Can Affect Counselling

There are many qualities a person may consider before sitting down to talk to a therapist about their experiences. Let’s face it, therapy is costly and not knowing where to start is overwhelming for some. When selecting a therapist it should be intentional. Choosing a therapist that is aligned with what you’d like to accomplish in therapy and who can support your needs will help you feel more at ease. The result you want is to feel comfortable in opening up to your therapist and cultivating a good working relationship.

The Benefits of Self Awareness in Counselling

The Benefits of Self Awareness in Counselling

Self-awareness can tell us a lot about how we’re feeling, our behaviour, and our traits in certain situations. If we take a moment to notice, we can learn a lot about ourselves and our own experiences.

How to Heal from Trauma

How to Heal from Trauma

Trauma stems from experiences that are so overwhelming to the system that our bodies and minds are unable to completely digest the experience. Often, people think of trauma as being born from catastrophic events however, this is not always the case. Some experiences may leave us traumatized that many don’t consider traumatic, like an invasive medical procedure to which one consented.

4 Ways to Calm Your Anxiety Down Fast

4 Ways to Calm Your Anxiety Down Fast

Anxiety is one of the most common reasons that people seek counseling. Managing life and emotions when feeling anxious can be difficult, as the mind tends to go to worst-case scenarios with non-stop “what if” questions. Here are some tips to reduce your anxiety so that you can stay engaged and in control.