Anxiety and Panic Attacks: How Long Do They Last?

Intense episodes of overwhelming fear or panic are known as anxiety or panic attacks. Often, episodes of panic or anxiety are unpredictable and the person experiencing an episode of panic or anxiety has been triggered in some way. 

Triggers can include thinking about unpleasant events such as giving a speech or a big test you have to take. Triggers from traumatic events can also set off a panic attack. It’s important to note that everybody deals with some form of anxiety as it is the body’s natural response to feeling unsafe or threatened. 

Some anxiety is normal because it protects us from danger, motivates us, and keeps us focused. If you’re dealing with constant anxiety it may be categorized as an anxiety disorder. 

To understand what the common causes of anxiety are and how to manage them check out our blog where you can find all of our previous blog posts on anxiety

How long do anxiety attacks last?

Anxiety is interesting to explore. Sometimes it may feel as if you can never come out of that moment because panic, fear, and terror overwhelm you. Your unpleasant feelings do make you feel as if you are losing total control over your emotions and the physical reactions your body experiences during an episode. Actually, some have compared it to a heart attack because of how terrifying the experience is. 

So, how long do panic attacks last? Panic attacks can last up to 10 minutes and rarely exceed 30 minutes. It varies from person to person but typically lasts between 10-30 minutes. 

After an anxiety attack, you may feel both emotionally and physically exhausted. This makes sense considering what you have just experienced. It’s okay to take the time you need to recover from an anxiety attack and not think too far ahead, but that is easier said than done for some who deal with anxiety. 

There may be a fear of having another episode. It’s important to be aware of your needs and to recognize the symptoms of an anxiety attack which include:

  • Sudden feelings of terror or panic

  • Unable to gain control of your emotions

  • Racing heart rate or chest pain

  • Feeling faint

  • Breathlessness or hyperventilation

  • Feeling hot or very cold

  • Shaking 

  • Nausea 

Treatment for anxiety and panic attacks

Psychotherapy is an effective method of treatment for anxiety attacks because it can help you understand them and equip you with the strategies you need in order to cope with your anxiety attacks. This is usually the first recommendation in treating anxiety attacks.

Medication is another form of treatment if the panic attacks are frequent and disrupt everyday life. Medication can reduce the symptoms of a panic attack, however, it still takes time for it to take effect. 

However, counselling is highly encouraged prior to taking medication as it is a long term treatment plan that allows you to address your anxiety attacks head-on. 

Will panic attacks ever go away?

The healing journey for panic attacks takes time and commitment. It’s important to do the work that needs to be done in order to see the results that you want. 

Every person is different and their triggers or circumstances for having panic attacks are different. Some may see results within a few weeks and others may take a few months. Others may work on reducing their panic attacks instead of it fully going away. 

In most cases, with the right help, you can not only reduce the intensity of your panic attacks but also the frequency which will support you in leading a life that is more within your control. 

Final thoughts

If you begin to avoid situations, people, or things that could trigger panic attacks then it’s important for you to seek professional help. You deserve to live a life that is more within your control and where you are better equipped to manage your panic attacks and not have them take over your life. 

At Sana Counselling, we offer both online and in-person counselling options. If you would like to explore the option of counselling to help with your anxiety, we offer a free consultation to assess your needs. Do not hesitate to reach out to us to see what works best for you. Book a consultation with us when you’re ready.