Eating Cake and 5 Things We Can Do To Improve Our Mental Health

When was the last time you took a break?  If you can’t remember, that could be having a serious impact on your mental health and  day to day life. Contrary to what the media might tell you, doing nothing is very good (and necessary) for your mental health.  

  1. The Sweetness of Doing Nothing

If you’ve seen Eat Pray Love, then you’re familiar with the Italian mantra  “Il dolce far niente” ; the sweetness of doing nothing. The joy in taking time out of your week to do absolutely nothing. Delighting in nothing allows your body to rest and your mind to wander. The result? More creative ideas and approaches to problem solving. 

This is because when we are resting, we are not distracted by our to-do lists or worrying about distractions that occur throughout our day. In silence and stillness our brain is able to make connections between different things that have happened during the week and results in increased creativity and decreased stress. 

2. Responsibly Spoil Ourselves

It is important to allow yourself to enjoy the small pleasures that life has to offer. For you it might be drinking espresso in the park, instead of making it at home. For your neighbour, it might be a quick trip to the mountains or buying that trip they’ve been dreaming of. Whatever it is, allow yourself to say “yes” once in a while. Life is short and it is meant to be enjoyed. 

3. Give Back 

Paying it forward feels good, it releases endorphins which help us feel better. Good deeds don’t have to cost a lot of money. Making someone laugh, listening to friends sort out their thoughts, or volunteering are a few nice ways to care for others. 

4. Take Care of Your Physical Health 

The mind and body connection is a strong one. Taking care of your physical health is as important as taking care of your mental health. 

Fitness releases endorphins that leave you feeling uplifted, energised and ready to take on the world. You don’t have to run a marathon. Going for a walk or to yoga are equally effective. 

What you put into your body also affects your mental health. Drinking too much coffee if you have anxiety, for example, is a surefire way to send your anxiety through the roof. Ensure you’re feeding and watering your body with nutrients that are good for you and your mental health will thank you. 

5. Practice self-love

One of the most important parts of taking care of yourself is learning to appreciate yourself for who you are right now. Being kind and gentle with yourselves is important. If you're able to  acknowledge your flaws without judgement, then it will be easier to manage other areas of your life more effectively.  So always practice being kind to yourself first,. after all, in the words of many wise people who came before us, ‘if you can’t love yourself, how in the world are you gonna love somebody else?

Final Thoughts 

There are many things we can do to take care of our mental health but the most important thing is to give yourself space to understand, learn and grow. You’re not perfect and that’s okay, so if you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, try giving yourself permission to take a break. Creating space to do something kind for yourself even if it’s small will go a long way. 

We find having a routine is really helpful in maintaining our mental health. Check out this blog on how to create a routine that works for you and get in touch if it’s made a difference to your life!