counsellors vancouver

How Grief Counselling Can Help You Overcome Loss

How Grief Counselling Can Help You Overcome Loss

At some point or another, we will all lose something we care about. For some, those emotions are more difficult to let go of, however, when grief becomes a part of your day-to-day life, you may find yourself harboring resentment, or carrying anger about a loss that you just can’t get over.

How to Choose the Right Counsellor for You

How to Choose the Right Counsellor for You

There are a handful of reasons why an individual may consider therapy. Whether that is to improve communication skills, deal with anxiety, overcome grief or understand and arm yourself with the tools to deal with PTSD, therapy is the right route for people that have a problem they would like help solving.

Online Counselling: How Does It Work?

Online Counselling: How Does It Work?

COVID-19 has pushed us all to adopt a more virtual lifestyle but as we’re transitioning back to normal the virtual way of life may stay. As the world becomes more convenient and with many businesses moving online, therapy is also becoming more easily accessible. What exactly is the procedure of online counselling?