
8 Ways to Lower Cortisol & Overwhelming Emotions

8 Ways to Lower Cortisol & Overwhelming Emotions

When our cortisol levels are high our bodies are in a state of fight or flight. Not only does this leave us feeling tense and stressed but it can cause trouble sleeping, memory and cognitive issues, perpetuate anxiety and depression and strips us of the present moment.

Can Psychedelic Treatment Help Heal Symptoms of Depression?

Can Psychedelic Treatment Help Heal Symptoms of Depression?

Today, psychedelic treatments are being used and tested on depression, PTSD, and anxiety and have even been said to help people with autism.

Therapy sets you up for long-term success and gives you the tools required to handle any negative emotional situation you may have to face.

For some, therapy alone may not fully supplement their needs. There are various forms of medication that can support your mental wellness but there is a rising medicinal phenomenon: psychedelics.

Why Routine is Important & How to Create One

Why Routine is Important & How to Create One

For those with a mental illness, the onset of an anxiety attack, or an unexpected episode of depression can put a pause in your day-to-day life. For many, it may feel difficult to get into a daily routine because things can be unpredictable.

Although rest and recuperation are important during this time, sticking to a daily routine is a healthy way to help you feel grounded.

5 Ways to Stop a Panic Attack

5 Ways to Stop a Panic Attack

Panic attacks can come on strong, fast, and hit you with a wave of intense fear that feels never-ending. They come out of nowhere and can last anywhere from 5 to 20 scary minutes.

We all deserve to live each day feeling confident, calm, and ready to take on the world. With the right tools, you can learn to diffuse fear and stop a panic attack while it’s happening.

To untangle yourself from the fear of a panic attack you must be first able to recognize you are having one. You are then able to use some of the techniques below to help bring you back to feeling centred.

10 Ways That Counselling Can Help With Anxiety

10 Ways That Counselling  Can Help With Anxiety

Therapy is a safe, effective way to untangle your anxiety, and, unlike medication, provides coping strategies that you can use long term. Therapy can get to the underlying cause of your fear, helping you identify and address your anxiety. It can help you understand and unpack your fears and arm you with tools to face challenging situations on your own.

How to Help Someone With Anxiety

How to Help Someone With Anxiety

For most people, these feelings are temporary and are fleeting but for those who suffer from an anxiety disorder, these feelings linger for days, months, or even years. Loved ones with anxiety disorders have built up fear residing in their bodies, making them more prone to feelings of stress that can worsen over time.

Anxiety Explained: What Does It Feel Like?

Anxiety Explained: What Does It Feel Like?

The feeling of anxiety varies from person to person. It also depends on the type of anxiety that someone deals with. Anxiety is normal when you’re anticipating something but for some, it can feel like you have lost control.